วันศุกร์ที่ 24 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2553

AI do not reconcile men do not reconcile. Do not have sex. Will have their own (Whiptail Lizard).

Today on propagation. The most exotic animals for vertebrates, they are asexual propagation model.
Details about Jing Laen tail whip.

* Jing Laen tail whip (Whiptail Lizard) is a science that Cnemidophorus.
* Jing Laen tail whip. They are only females only. Strains, they do not have even a single male. (How it breed?).
* Jing Laen tail whip, called the process. The origin of pure (Parthenogenesis. This picture comes from two Greek words are παρθένος parthenos, "virgin", γένεσις genesis, "birth") The information in this drug species can be found in bees and mites tree However, no cases of propagation in this manner with the vertebrates (vertebrates).
* The female can produce eggs that do not need a new pattern as in Rit Reform Association.
* With this propagation. The children flock to sources that have emerged to gene Like a mother in all respects. It is like making a copy of her sources as the mother came out quite
* Margin, but as these sources still have sex on. But to have sex a falsely Among females together. With coax caressing each other. In order to stimulate egg production and ovulation.
* Scientists still have many questions about them. That they can adapt themselves to the appropriate development or the environment when they have what is not. Genetics change it.
* The key solved the riddle of this may be at them. Jing can also breed with the male source as some strains. This sometimes causes customers flock to the sources that soak Como 3-pair (triploid) if it is born a virgin birth Como soak 2-pair


