วันศุกร์ที่ 24 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Science on Christmas Day (The Science of Christmas).


December 25 of each year is the annual Christmas festival. Of these Christian votary Held to celebrate the birth of Jesus, but Jesus' birth date is not recorded or stated explicitly. And science. Are you trying to edit this puzzle. From the existing wind. As will be discussed later in this article.

  •  Based on a story that appears in the Bible as it's recorded that Jesus was born on such a bright star appeared over the city ripe Beth Lake Bethlehem (Bethlehem) and the stars that are induced metabolic Giants (Magi. People pay homage to Jesus when he was born), all three cities to Beth Lake Bethlehem.
  • That if the appearance of the stars is not all. Miracles and supernatural. If the star is tied to the stars, astronomy is done unnaturally bright enough to be a clue that will lead to a birthday
  •  Cooked bright stars could be the second appearance of the stars in the sky near the moon in the front lines of Jupiter (Jupiter) and stars Venus (Venus) make up the mature star brighter than normal.
  • And the calculated backward By computer. By Australian astronomer Dave Reneke called to the moment. Event Jupiter Side by side, star Venus (Venus) appears as at 17 June 2BC. (B.C. 2 years).
  • The forecast may be wrong or has no knowledge.

This article do not intend to insult or disparage religious belief.
Just to offer another direction between science and theology. 


